Exterior of Poison Creek Cottage

  Glorious Springtime!
The entire garden is planted with a collection of spring flowering bulbs. In the background, the old miner's shed (can be converted to a garage) which used to house a family of nine! Parking for the cottage is in front of the shed.

The cottage features a... cottage (what else) garden complete with lavender, iris, miner's roses, perennials, a herb garden... and the delight of the cottage in May--lilacs.

  Wonderful Winter!
Early morning after a fresh blanketing of powder.

Park City's eastern bench, which is less built up than its opposite, is not only quieter but also has the best views! And sunsets are spectacular.

  Evening Time
Peaceful, pastoral, Park City. The home decorated with holiday lights is the Alaskan House (an old miner's boarding house). Immediately above is Saint Mary's, whose bells can be heard throughout the year.

  Empire Canyon
Expansive views are to be had from the patio with Empire Canyon, from which most of Park City's silver was mined during its mining heyday. Treasure Mountain (gorgeous when the sun strikes it in the morning) is to the right, and the Wasatch Mountains all the way to the northern horizon.

  Views Galore
The stone patio, courtesy of Park City legend George Austin, is a favorite gathering area on warm summer evening's. Carved into the stone is a relief of the mountain peaks all around, giving their elevations and names.

Park City
Park City is a paradise. More need not be said.

Copyright 2005 Joe R Armstrong | Email jra@jrarmstrong.com | Website by Aixen